People Professional - Level 5 Apprenticeship - CCC Tracking Pixel Tracking Pixel
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People Professional - Level 5 Apprenticeship


Duration: 24 Months
Centre: Workplace and College


The People Management Level 5 apprenticeship is a great opportunity for learners who want to develop their skills, knowledge, and 
behaviours in providing tailored HR advice and lead the delivery of HR solutions to meet business challenges. The apprenticeship 
programme will equip the learner with necessary talent to make decisions and recommendations that will influence senior members of 
staff to ensure best practice.


Who is it for?

  • For those who uses their HR expertise to provide and lead the delivery of HR solutions to business challenges, together with tailored advice to the business in several HR areas, typically to mid-level and senior managers.
  • Prior experienced in a HR support role essential.
  • Designed for HR Consultants or HR Business Partner


Apprentices who complete the apprenticeships programme will aim to gain promotion to senior roles including the HR Senior Business Partner or a HR Manager.


  • CIPD Associate Diploma in People Management Level 5
  • 13 Occupational Duties over various aspects of HR
  • Functional Skills English and Maths Level 2 where required

End Point Assessment

The three month EPA includes a Long Written Test, Project Presentation and Professional Discussion. The grades available are Pass, Merit and Distinction.

Next Steps

The next step may be:

  • CIPD Level 7 Senior People Professional Apprenticeship

Key Employers

  • London Automobile Club, London Borough of Haringey
  • Fuller, Smith & Turner Plc
  • Centre and North West London NHS Trust (CNWL).

Future Opportunities

People who complete the People Professional Apprenticeship Level 5 can look forward to a rewarding career. They will have the skills and 
knowledge to provide support across a range of HR areas i.e. Core HR option; or a specialist role, where they have in depth expertise in 
a specific area of HR such as Resourcing, Total Reward, Organisation Development, or HR Operations. They will be able to make decisions and recommendations and influence managers to change their thinking as well as bringing best practice into the organisation.


Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year