Healthcare: Support Worker - Level 2 Apprenticeship - CCC Tracking Pixel Tracking Pixel
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Healthcare: Support Worker - Level 2 Apprenticeship


Duration: 15 Months
Centre: Workplace and College
Sector: Health and Social Care


The Healthcare Support worker apprenticeship is a great opportunity for learners who want to develop their skills and knowledge to provide high quality, compassionate person centred care and support based on individuals needs and the setting. Healthcare Support Workers will check the overall comfort, wellbeing, and progress of individuals in their care in line with their care plan.

Who is it for?

This course is for new entrants working as Healthcare Support Workers across a range of healthcare setting.


Apprentices who complete the Health Care Support Worker programme will aim to gain promotion to senior roles including a Senior Healthcare Support Worker.


  • Care Certificate
  • 10 Occupational duties (KSBs)
  • Functional Skills English and Maths Level 2 where needed

End Point Assessment

The three month EPA includes a 60 minute multiple choice exam, 90 minute observation and a professional discussion. 

Passing grades available are Pass, Merit and Distinction.

Next Steps

Next step may include:

  • Level 3 Team Leading apprenticeship programme
  • Level 3 Senior Healthcare worker apprenticeship programme
  • Level 4 Nursing Associate apprenticeship programme
  • Level 5 Registered Nurse Degree apprenticeship programme

Key Employers

  • Kings College NHS Foundation Trust
  • North Middlesex University Hospital

Future Opportunities

Learners who complete the Healthcare Support Worker Level 2 Apprenticeship can look forward to a rewarding career in a challenging 
and growing sector. They will have the skills and knowledge to provide high quality patient centred care and support and work to the principles of duty of care when looking after a range of patient needs. They will also be able to work effectively as part of a team and support the delivery of quality outcomes for patients.


Queen's Award for Enterprise
FE Team of the Year