This occupation is found in manufacturing and process sectors.Fitters are required to check their work against quality standards and make adjustments as required based on their knowledge. On completion of the task a fitter will hand over the product and prepare the work area for the next task by checking equipment meets the standards required to operate. They may be based in a workshop or clients premises - this may include hazardous environments. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for completion of their work to the required
specification and deadlines, in line with quality, health and safety and environmental regulations and requirements, with minimum supervision.
During the apprenticeship, you will cover of all elements below:
Engineering Fitters are more specialised in the hands-on assembly, installation, and repair of mechanical components, requiring physical
work and experience with machinery and tools. Focuses primarily on assembling, installing, maintaining, and repairing mechanical components and systems.
Over the course of the 4 month EPA; you will complete a project report, multiple choice exam and professional discussion to confirm:
Employer satisfied apprentice is consistently working at, or above, the level of the occupational standard. Apprentice can demonstrate
competence to operate safely in a fitting environment. Apprentice achieved Level 3 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Diploma
as outlined in the occupational standard. Submission of completed portfolio of evidence authenticated by employer. Project activity agreed by employer with EPAO; it should be relevant to the apprentice’s workplace. Achieved English and mathematics qualification in line with the apprenticeship funding rules
Upon achieving all your qualifications and your EPA, this standard will meet the professional standards of the Engineering Council for
registration as Engineering Technician (Eng Tech) by an appropriate Professional Engineering Institution. Possible progressing could be Level 4 or higher supervisory roles in the workplace
CBRE, Alstom, Eurostar, Greggs